The Capitol Group represents a number of private sector
companies and organizations as well as public sector entities.
Clients we represent or have represented in the past
- Accenture
- American Council of Life Insurers
- AmeriHealth Mercy
- AmiCare Behavioral Centers
- Arkansas Financial Services Association
- Arkansas Game and Fish Foundation
Arkansas Independent Colleges and Universities
- Arkansas Package Store Association
- Arkansas Pharmacists Association
Arkansas School for Mathematics and Sciences Foundation
- Arkansas State Dental Association
- ATT - Southwestern Bell/SBC
- Beaver Water District
- Beverly Enterprises
- Childrens Youth & Pediatric Clinics
- Clean Line Energy
- Community Financial Services of America
- Community Health Systems
Compass Intervention Center - Division of Keystone Youth
- Corrections Corporation of America
- Downstream Development Authority
- Efficient Affordable Energy Association of Arkansas
- Entergy/Arkansas
- K-12 Inc.
- Kimberly-Clark Corporation
- LeBonheur Children's Hospital
- Liberty Healthcare
- Microsoft
- Motorola
- Oaklawn Jockey Club
- Pepsi Americas
- Public Information Advocates
- The Quapaw Nation
- Record Data Inc.
- Rineco Chemical Industries
- Rural Arkansas Telephone Systems
- Saracen Development Authority
- Southland Racing Corporation
- Ticketmaster
- Triad Hospitals, Inc.
- United States Humane Society
- Verizon Arena
- Wal-Mart
- Wilson & Associates